Monday, March 06, 2006

Assignmnent: Problem 1 from syllabus

Problem number 1) from the syllabus page of the website is stated as
1) Consider the iteration , x(n+1)=f(x(n)), where f(x) = Cx(1-x), for various different values of C. Approximately what range of C gives you chaos? Approximately what range of C does not give you chaos? Do you see any fractals? Do you see any evidence of a connection between chaos and fractals?

As far as I can see -2<4>
  • C = -1:
  • C=1:

  • C=2:

  • C=3:

I wasn't able to recognize any fractals when investigating this IFS. This may be because of the initial condition I used (x(0) = 0.3). I also can't put together the link between chaos and fractals as of this time.


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